Yup, Gus carries everything AND the kitchen sink. |
For almost two months from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to
Santiago, Chili, I’m traveling with 20 fascinating people from around the world
as well as a well traveled Dragoman Truck named Gus. After our last overland trips in 2014, I knew
that the folks you travel with can make or break the experience. Trucks or crew can be grumpy, weather can be
lousy, drives can be long and boring, but if you are sharing the adventure with
interesting people, then that is what you will remember.
Team Gus has 4 “kids” (they smile when us oldies say this
and then occasionally give back with a “yes mum” when we get out of line),
three of whom are seasoned travelers. There are three couples with a variety of
skills and travel experiences. In the
middle are three guys and five ladies and then the “oldies” – which would be me
and our oldest gentleman at 69 who puts us all to shame with his ability to
pitch in and do whatever is happening.
My home for the next two months is a tent named Rhea (which
is a Patagonian ostrich that people encourage to hang around the fazenda
because they eat snakes and rodents) and my tentie is another LW –Lorna from
the UK who has worked and traveled around the world for the last thirteen
years. Rhea, like all our tents, is
showing her age. When we got her, her
front zip needed fixing, and the straps that attach her to the A frame are
wearing. Tent pegs are rusty and we could
do with a few more, but Rhea has the most important waterproofness absolutely
perfect – especially with Lorna directing the setup.
The thing that I noticed right away was that everybody
pitches in to do what is needed – no shirking and saying it is someone else’s
job. Whether it is setting up or taking down, there seems to always be someone
to get the job done. If someone is
having a down day, or is homesick, there is someone to listen. Even the folks with no overlanding experience
are learning about tents and bush wees. There’s a great set of knowledge and
experience on board. And, if any of my
Odyssey fellow travelers are reading this, there is narry a Twat to be had.
It’s been a great month so far and I’m going to be sad when
we break up in Santiago.
The story of the beautiful sunset
Team Gus is summed up perfectly with our departure from Foz
du Iguacu (Brazil) and arrival in a rather glampy bush camp inside Argentina.
For our time in Foz, I upgraded to a hostel room. I woke up about 4:30 on our leaving day to
the crash of lightening and the sound of wind and pouring rain. My first thought was to get up, pack and then
go out to help the team take down tents and get ready to leave. Coming out the door, the first thing I saw
was this huge man in boxers and a pair of havaianas lugging laundry under the
roof – “don’t know who this belongs to, but I caught it as it was blowing away”
– as he headed out to do whatever was needed.
As I came under the roof, there was a brigade taking down tents, folding
them and getting them bagged. Soon there
were folks dragging gear and two huge guys in boxers and sandals dragging tents
under the roof to be dismantled. With
five minutes to go before leaving time (and not yet sunrise) we were packed and
quite pumped. One of the guys announced
“OK, everybody who is wet, go get into the hot showers” and another discovered
that our sister truck, Amber, had hot water so we all went over to get coffee
or tea and notice that they were all dry and under cover and miserable about
the weather (while we were quite pumped).
Our crew arrived late and quite surprised that we were ready to go.
This whole process started with the two youngest girls, who
were awakened by the first crack of lightening, decided that they were NOT
going to get any of their gear wet, packed, dropped it under the roof, headed
out to pull tent pegs and drag their tent under the roof to dismantle it
there. All before the first drop of
rain. Leadership on Team Gus is coming from all directions.
Border crossing is always an iffy proposition and Brazil to
Argentina was very iffy – wrong paper work from head office meant that we
passed through quite simply while Gus had to wait. And wait.
And wait. For the two or so hours, it was relive the great teamwork of
packing up, border yoga, visiting with everyone passing through and discovering
the little snack shop just over the border.
Trip notes said that we were heading to a bush camp
somewhere between the border and Buenos Aires.
The funny thing was that nobody was bemoaning setting up soggy tents in
the middle of nowhere, but just remembering the funny events of the morning. To
our delight, “bush camp” was actually at a closed waterpark/hotel/camping
complex with friendly staff and a liquor shop.
Imagine a “bush camp” with toilets and hot showers that were freshly
cleaned for us when we arrived! Some
even upgraded to beds, but I’ve decided to stick with Rhea til Santiago. We
were all pretty pumped to set up soaking wet tents (we used mops and brooms to
remove water from the floors) and have them dry before bed time.
Rhea drying out in the sunshine at our "bush glamp". Her rain coat spent a couple of hours over a barbecue drying, too. |
And then, just as supper was getting ready, there was this
stellar sunset over the abandoned
pool. Best. Day. Ever.
Group photo with the sea lions near Puerto Madryn |
Puerto Moreno Glacier in Argentina |
Duckman and his chicks. |
First view of Torres del Paine |
Mirador (view point) Torres del Paine. More about this stunning hike later. |
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